2024 = Beta Testing
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This is the year to figure out what works and what doesn't work for my life as well as my businesses and other ventures. We are beta testing and making sure to take all of you every step of the way.
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The Pop
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Release Date: 04/21/2024
Description: we're back! with some hot ... explosive takes.. quick lil episode for y'all. more to come soon, gonna start publishing a backlog of episodes we've recorded over the past few months.
Explicit: No
Release Date: 05/04/2020
Description: Introduction: Giving my "Holation" to the population. My podcast will be conversational and very authentic. With a world becoming so divided, I wanted to give you guys a world of judgement free fun conversation. *Logo coming soon* --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tropikanadreams/support
Explicit: No
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