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#3 Ione: The End is the Beginning

Ione Velasquez, Podcastmate's video producer, shares his insights and thoughts on what it takes to produce a podcast show.  It takes a village. You start the process with the end in mind. Then you retrace your steps back to step 1.  Production is one...

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Ione Velasquez, Podcastmate's video producer, shares his insights and thoughts on what it takes to produce a podcast show. It takes a village. You start the process with the end in mind. Then you retrace your steps back to step 1. Production is one thing, post-production is another, then marketing, and all that jazz because it doesn't end there. But why do we keep doing it if it's that hard?If you haven't followed the first 2 episodes of PMR Ripple, I suggest you go back and have a listen.Then listen to this episode. Enjoy!PMR Ripple, where we peel back the curtains so you can take a peek at the making of a podcast and the lives of the individuals putting the production together.Episode Podcastmate feature: Ione Velasquez - Lead Video Producer at Podcastmate | Creative Director of PMRSOCIALS PMR - @PodcastmateRadio | thepodcastmate.co/pmr Podcastmate - @Podcastmate.co | thepodcastmate.co Nash Mayuela - @NashMayuela | [email protected] Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/podcastmateradio/message


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