BAME Researchers
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What challenges do Black, Asian and minority ethnic researchers face in the University? Is there a lack of visibility of BAME researchers in the academy? This episode tries to grapple with whose voices and perspectives are prioritised in academic citations? Who gets the time to publish original research and what type of research is valued in the University landscape. Professor Richard Hall and Associate Professor Lisa Palmer from the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre offer their insight into research process and operations and the challenges minority staff face.
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Decolonising DMU
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What does Decolonising mean?
Release Date: 11/03/2020
Description: Decolonising DMU Project Director Kaushika Patel, Interim Deputy Vice Chancellor of De Montfort University, Simon Aldroyd and Director of the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre, Kennetta Hammond Perry discuss and explore the concept of Decolonising and how it applies in practice at De Montfort University
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Decolonising DMU - The Student Voice
Release Date: 03/25/2021
Description: The project to Decolonise De Montfort University does not only encompass plans to create inclusive curriculums but also to critically examine institutional structures and process to ensure there is equity for all students. Therefore, the student voice is an essential part of the process. This episode focuses on the Decolonising DMU Student Ambassadors, who are a small team of employed and paid students who facilitate and amplify the voices and experiences of minority students studying at DMU. This Episode features Charotte Pryor, Liam Sutton, Zara Tahir, Taiwo Sofwora and Jasmine Kelly-Gobuiwang who highlight the work they have done in this role.
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Leicester DMU student Charles Bloch tells Capital he was refused an Uber taxi because he gets around with a guide dog.
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Description: #capital #leicester #dmu #university #taxi #uber #refusal
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Decolonising Development, Episode 41
Release Date: 04/11/2024
Description: In this episode, I talk to professors Sirohi’s and Gupta’s book on development discourses from India and Latin America. As mentioned in the episode, here is the poem translated at the beginning of the last chapter: Problems of Underdevelopment Monsieur … Continue reading → The post Decolonising Development, Episode 41 first appeared on Ceteris Never Paribus: The History of Economic Thought Podcast.
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Decolonising the Curriculum in Theory and Practice - 30 November 2016 - Decolonizing the Curriculum: Lessons from South Asia
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Decolonising in Aotearoa
Release Date: 11/30/2021
Authors: Decolonising in Aotearoa
Description: Decolonising in Aotearoa is a Kaupapa Māori podcast that focusses on promoting kōrero and whakaaro about the process of decolonisation for ngā tāngata katoa. Decolonising in Aotearoa is hosted by Paaka Edwards and is written and produced by Wetere Paki. In each new episode, Paaka hosts a new manuwhiri who bring with them a specific pūkenga or set of skills. Together, Paaka and the manuwhiri wānanga about the process of decolonisation in relation to their own experiences as tāngata Māori, and how this process is applied by the manuwhiri in the practice of their pūkenga. The name, ‘Decolonising in Aotearoa’ was chosen specifically as it speaks about the process of decolonisation in the present tense. This is to remind us as tāngata that decolonisation is an on-going process, as it sits in response to colonisation, which exists in both the external environment around us, and internally, in our own minds.
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Decolonising The Academy
Release Date: 03/30/2021
Authors: Radio Leila
Description: La storia dell'Europa e dell'Italia è segnata dal peso del colonialismo, ma all’interno del dibattito pubblico non c’è la volontà di affrontare questo passato. Vogliamo interrogarci sul modo in cui tale rimozione influenza ancora oggi i saperi che vengono trasmessi nell’Università e le relazioni che si riproducono nella società.L’Università riproduce al proprio interno le disuguaglianze: lo osserviamo nel modo in cui nell'accademia italiana il punto di vista dei soggetti non occidentali è tenuto ai margini e i migranti e le migranti affrontano ostacoli crescenti nell’accesso agli studi e alla ricerca.Siamo studentesse e studenti convinti che decolonizzare l’Università significhi che i saperi elaborati al suo interno debbano porsi come obiettivo la trasformazione della società, decentrando lo sguardo e la posizione da cui siamo abituati e abituate a interpretarla, per migliorare le condizioni di vita di tutte e tutti.#DecolonisingTheAcademy
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Indigenous Urbanism
Release Date: 08/20/2020
Authors: Jade Kake
Description: Indigenous Urbanism is a place-based storytelling podcast about the spaces we inhabit, and the community drivers and practitioners who are shaping those environments and decolonising through design.
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