Binaural Radio Rural #13 - An Archive is a Place: (Re)presentations
We are pleased to present a new series on our Bin…
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We are pleased to present a new series on our Binaural Radio Rural podcast, entitled “An Archive is a Place: The Wayback Sound Machine in a Rural Archive”. In this podcast series, artist and researcher Maile Colbert is exploring the Binaural Nodar Digital archive: gathering and sharing recordings from its vast collection, remixing and re-contextualizing as an art form, with consideration and empathy to their original context…an outsider invited in to explore, witness, and process. Then share. "(Re)presentations" By Maile Colbert "I am exploring how the concepts and methodologies of how my virtual research and practice tool, the Wayback Sound Machine, can be used to explore a virtual place, the digital archive of Binaural/Nodar. The Wayback Sound Machine asks: what can we gather from sounding the past? In Podcast number 3, I am exploring more specifically, and artistically, representations of the past, both in the rural archive, as well as with the first two podcasts...literally expanding and remixing the underscore to see what forms. The Wayback Sound Machine is a multimodal project investigating various theories of audition and perception of sound in time and place and proposes an interdisciplinary connective aurality between the perception of sound in time and place with soundscapes and sound designs. The relationship between our soundscapes and creative sound designs can give us key information about how we listen, what we listen for, and what that can tell us…but the goal is not an answer, but rather towards, as artist and writer Salomé Voegelin (2010) states in her own Introduction to Listening to Noise and Silence, Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art, “…no real conclusions but only strategies for engagement and efforts of interpretation”. (p. xiii)" Maile Colbert is an intermedia artist, researcher, and educator with a focus on time-based media. She is a PhD Research Fellow in Artistic Studies with a concentration on Sound Studies, cinematic sound design, and its relationship with soundscape ecology at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a visiting lecturer at the Universidade da Maia, Porto. Her current practice and research project is titled, Wayback Sound Machine: Sound through time, space, and place, and asks what we might gather from sounding the past. She is a collaborator with the art organization Binaural Nodar, a member of CineLab, research lab for cinema and philosophy and is an editor and author at Sonic Field. She has exhibited, screened, and performed globally.
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Binaural Radio Rural: A podcast around rural sounds and archives
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Binaural Radio Rural #19 - Between bridges... voices stir time travelled
Release Date: 04/19/2023
Description: Episode nr. 19 - Between Bridges... voices stir time travelled. By Maile Colbert We are pleased to present the last episode of a series of the Binaural Radio Rural podcast, entitled “Between Bridges” and created by Maile Colbert. The source archives used in this series belong to Binaural Nodar Digital Archive and explore Voice, and its relationship to Place. How do our places shape voices, both human and non-human, song and soundscape. This episode works with polyphonic songs from the Binaural Nodar Digital Archive, as well as the soundtrack from Maile Colbert’s film created at the Binaural Nodar artist residency in November 2007, during her first trip to Portugal. On the creative process she says: “Using processes that bend, twist, rupture, and shape time and sound. The work revisited through the archive, Over the Eyes, is from my first trip to Portugal, and my first artist residency at Binaural Nodar, an experience that changed my life in multiple ways. I accessed and explored, considering memory and sound, along with the other voices from the archive. The personal archives, the archives of others, woven together, crochet of voices, memories, and time. The many temporalities of voices in archives. In the composition, they move in and out of phase, traces linger, call, die off, return in an unexpected place. Old song recorded on new material, sounding their times. Voices recorded with older technologies, sounding their times. A climatic mix decided by the machine, from what it learned of my memories.” Maile Colbert is an intermedia artist, researcher, and educator with a focus on time-based media. She is a PhD Research Fellow in Artistic Studies with a concentration on Sound Studies, cinematic sound design, and its relationship with soundscape ecology at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a visiting lecturer at the Universidade da Maia, Porto. Her current practice and research project is titled, Wayback Sound Machine: Sound through time, space, and place, and asks what we might gather from sounding the past. She is a collaborator with the art organization Binaural Nodar, a member of CineLab, research lab for cinema and philosophy and is an editor and author at Sonic Field. She has exhibited, screened, and performed globally.
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Binaural Radio Rural #10 - Escutar a juventude rural: Ouço, lembro e sinto em Vouzela
Release Date: 03/07/2021
Description: Binaural Radio Rural # 10 - Escutar a juventude rural: Ouço, Lembro e Sinto em Vouzela Neste décimo episódio terminamos a série “Escutar a Juventude Rural” que dá voz a crianças e jovens atuais que vivem em zonas rurais de vários concelhos do distrito de Viseu. Este episódio resulta de uma série de ateliês de verão intitulados "Ouço, Lembro, Sinto” desenvolvidos no verão de 2019 em várias localidades do município português de Vouzela, os quais constituíram uma oportunidade para crianças rurais desenvolverem apreensões sobre a relação entre o mundo sonoro e a construção e verbalização da sua própria memória: desde recordações de quando as crianças eram mais pequenas, passando por aquelas transmitidas por familiares, até à memorização de jogos, lengalengas e lendas locais. Estalam os dedos, corpos, palmas, eco, eco, eco. Com quem será que a Ana se irá casar? Loiro, moreno, careca? Será verdade, será mentira. Com cinco anos, a felicidade do nascimento do irmão. Um pai jogador de futebol com a perna partida. O grito e o eco enquanto corporealidade. Também se jogava ao Pepsicol. As grades da escola como um instrumento de percussão. Palmas, ritmo, ritmo, sinos tubulares e profanos. Lengalenga com palmas. Acidente de moto e serra-elétrica. Com um ano, o avô chegou com muletas. Um jogo com rebuçados e pião com letras: O rapa, tira, põe…. Correr, correr e rir. A mãe brincava no alpendrão. O entusiasmo da imitação de animais. Mais acidentes. Seis anos, o pai e o irmão caíram da moto. Melhoraram. Se tu visses o que eu vi, dominó etc. etc. Pai e avô e as antigas consolas de videojogos… Arqueologia digital, portanto. Pratos partidos pela casa fora…. Oito anos e um velho telemóvel na água. Havia umas pessoas numa floresta que atiraram o filho para o poço com um pedra por cima para ele não fugir. E ainda hoje ouve-se o menino gritar de dentro do poço, dizem os caçadores de lendas. Dinamização do ateliê, registo e edição sonora e composição musical de Luís Costa Um agradecimento ao ótimo acolhimento às monitoras e assistentes do programa de atividades de férias do Município de Vouzela, às crianças e jovens que participaram no ateliê, mostrando como a cosmovisão infantil pode ser tão criativa, livre e improvável.
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Binaural Radio Rural #6 - Escutar a juventude rural: 36 variações com 3 matérias rurais
Release Date: 12/06/2020
Description: Binaural Radio Rural#6 - Escutar a juventude rural: Trinta e seis variações com matérias rurais. Depois de cinco episódios dedicados à emigração para Lisboa, em que seguimos os trilhos de gente oriunda de Castro Daire e que deixou as suas aldeias para ir viver para a zona operária de Marvila, começamos uma nova série de episódios intitulada “Escutar a Juventude Rural” em que precisamente damos voz a crianças e jovens atuais que vivem em zonas rurais de vários concelhos do distrito de Viseu. Estes episódios estão associados a ateliês desenvolvidos pela Binaural Nodar com as respetivas comunidades educativas e que foram concebidos de forma a criar contextos de liberdade de expressão para que os alunos possam pensar, sentir e lembrar, muitas vezes pequenas histórias da vida quotidiana nas suas aldeias, contadas da forma possível tendo em conta as ferramentas discursivas que adquiriram e que acabam por ser também uma marca do tempo atual. O primeiro episódio desta série intitula-se “Trinta e seis variações com três matérias rurais” e é uma peça sonora que resulta diretamente de um conjunto de ateliês realizados em março 2020 com a comunidade educativa do município de Castro Daire, no âmbito do Projeto Cultural de Escola do Agrupamento de Escolas de Castro Daire e do Plano Nacional da Artes, uma iniciativa do Governo de Portugal de promoção da criação artística junto das escolas portuguesas, através de parcerias com artistas, associações, municípios e outras entidades do território. Os ateliês desenvolvidos tiveram a presença de mais de meio milhar de alunos do concelho de Castro Daire e neles foram trabalhadas, em termos visuais e sonoros, três matérias rurais e correspondentes formas de artesanato intimamente ligadas ao património local: árvores e arbustos/cestaria, argila/barro preto e lã/burel, sendo esta peça sonora composta por vozes e sons captados pelos alunos e alunas durante os ateliês, relativos à forma como os jovens interpretaram a transformação das matérias da paisagem local em peças de artesanato com utilidade prática e valor estético. Cabe um agradecimento sincero à equipa do Plano Nacional das Artes, ao Município de Castro Daire e à Direção do Agrupamento de Escolas de Castro Daire e sua comunidade educativa.
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Binaural Radio Rural #12 - An Archive is a Place: Exploring the when and the where of an archive (2)
Release Date: 02/21/2022
Description: We are pleased to present a new series on our Binaural Radio Rural podcast, entitled “An Archive is a Place: The Wayback Sound Machine in a Rural Archive”. "Exploring the when and the where of an archive, part II" By Maile Colbert "In this podcast series, I'm exploring the Binaural Nodar Digital Archive: gathering and sharing recordings from its vast collection, remixing and re-contextualizing as an art form, with consideration and empathy to their original context…an outsider invited in to explore, witness, and process. Then share. I am exploring how the concepts and methodologies of how my virtual research and practice tool, the Wayback Sound Machine, can be used to explore a virtual place, the digital archive of Binaural/Nodar. The Wayback Sound Machine asks: what can we gather from sounding the past? It proposes that the relationship between our soundscape and creative sound design can give us key information about how we listen, what we listen for, and what that can tell us. It researches various forms of sound from the past, and designing sound for the past, to consider what knowledge and applications can be gained from the concept, and so, it is very much at home in archives, but it does not explore the archives in a linear or historic manner. It explores the archives as a living and fluid place, a complex and ever forming, ever changing place where the present can be welcomed to explore and effect, their changes becoming a part of its constant and sensible evolution. As Salomé Voegelin states so beautifully, “A sonic sensibility makes thinkable complex connections and trajectories in time and space.” (Voegelin, 2010, p. xvi): “Can an archive be a Place? Somewhere between the virtual and the actual, a place we can visit, interpret, shape with our perception and art. Somewhere we can find connection, and be connected, be changed by an experience, and leave something in return.”" Maile Colbert is an intermedia artist, researcher, and educator with a focus on time-based media. She is a PhD Research Fellow in Artistic Studies with a concentration on Sound Studies, cinematic sound design, and its relationship with soundscape ecology at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a visiting lecturer at the Universidade da Maia, Porto. Her current practice and research project is titled, Wayback Sound Machine: Sound through time, space, and place, and asks what we might gather from sounding the past. She is a collaborator with the art organization Binaural Nodar, a member of CineLab, research lab for cinema and philosophy and is an editor and author at Sonic Field. She has exhibited, screened, and performed globally.
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