El Poder de Tu Propósito
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Tu propósito dirigirá tu Destino. No podrás lograr tu propósito a no ser que vivas de forma intencionalmente. ¿Cómo descubro mi Propósito? Pregúntale a tu Pasión. Pregúntale a tus talentos. Pregúntale a tu creador.
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La Frecuencia del Líder
Release Date: 05/22/2021
Description: Estrenamos la Segunda Temporada de RealWire. I know, cómo pasa el tiempo...qué sabios y viejos nos hacemos...En este episodio te hablo de una analogía entre la frecuencia radio y la nuestra.
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Intro RealWire: Podcast de Liderazgo y Desarrollo Personal
Release Date: 01/12/2021
Description: Os comparto la Intro que acompañará cada uno de los episodios de nuestro Podcast.
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Release Date: 09/27/2022
Description: Canary Cry News Talk #539 - 09.26.2022 - Recorded Live to Tape! MU POO HEAD - Russian Savior, Royal Robot, UFO Logo, Hive Mind, Xi Op, Ozone Champ Harvard: Index of MSM Ownership (Harvard.edu) SHOW NOTES Podcast = T- 2:57 Timestamps by Jade Bouncerson - From D-Live HELLO, RUN DOWN 4:59 V / 2:02 P RUSSIA 6:18 V / 3:21 P R36th Anniversary of Russian Who Saved the World (Vox) DAY/PERSONAL/EXEC. 20:28 V / 17:31 P FLIPPY 37:52 V / 34:55 P Deranged Scheme Proposes Mounting Queen’s Coffin on Robot Arm (Futurism) CHINA 46:33 V / 43:36 P *China bets big on brain research with massive cash infusion, monkey studies (Science) → Scientists at US’s top nuclear lab recruited by China to design missiles and drones (NBC News) *Xi Jinping Trends Online Amid Coup Rumors (Newsweek) [origin, Indian politician tweet] → Here’s how rumors of Xi Jinping’s ‘arrest’ and ‘coup’ started (Print) [origin, Chinese defect] → China coup rumors quashed by state media (AsiaMarket) [cancelled flights/trains note] PARTY TIME 1:13:15 V / 1:10:18 P BREAK 1: TREASURE COVID 1:32:41 V / 1:29:44 P Pfizer's chief executive tests positive for C19 for second time in two months (Sky News) PELOSI 1:36:13 V / 1:33:16 P Nancy Pelosi booed during surprise appearance at NYC festival (Fox News) UFO 1:44:18 V / 1:41:21 P Sharp-Eyed Viewers Notice Stunning Apparent Addition To Key Intelligence Logo (HuffPo) Source: New Director of Nat’l Intel Logo has UFO (AirDomainIntelligence.mil) → You can’t have .mil address unless you are part of defense department (is this true?) HIVE MIND Moved to next show We are building a “species-level brain” with big data and ubiquitous sensors (Big Think) BREAK 3: TALENT 1:52:15 V / 1:49:18 P ANTARCTICA 2:09:36 V / 2:06:39 P We did it! Harmful chemicals in ozone layer drop by 50%, NOAA says (Interesting Engineering) NANC connects to neXat's at Ukrainian Antarctic base (RealWire) BREAK 4: TIME 2:29:37 V / 2:26:40 P END This Episode was Produced By: EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS RAB** ep538** Felicia D** Producers Malik W, Sir MORV Knight of the Burning Chariots, Sir JC Knight of the Technosquatch, Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Gail M, Veronica D, Sir Darrin Knight of the Hungry Panda’s, Runksmash, Sir Scott Knight of Truth Audio Production Jonathan F Kalub James M Visual Art Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia CLIP PRODUCER Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Epsilon TIMESTAPERS Jackie U, Jade Bouncerson, Christine C, Pocojoyo, Joelle S SOCIAL MEDIA DOERS Dame MissG of the OV and Deep Rivers LINKS HELP JAM MICROFICTION Runksmash - Stacy pulls Derwin off of the two bafoons and notices he’s extremely hot, the ink circuits that drive him char through his paper skin, before he passes he utters in a deep voice, “Another has been printed…” then in a flash he is not but dust and ash. ADDITIONAL STORIES Magic seeds: Bill Gates biotechnological innovation critical to produce crops (GLP) The Future of Progress (Gates Foundation) (Video) Simulation of US and Russia Nuclear War (YouTube) Ukraine, EU’s dictatorship and change of global order: Lavrov speaks at UNGA (RT) You really don’t understand how bad it could get in Europe this year (Fortune) The American right’s future involves waging a 'religious battle' against the left (NBC News) Fault along L.A., O.C. coast could unleash huge earthquake, study shows (LA Times) US Psy-Ops exposed: Washington worried about getting caught (RT) NASA will intentionally crash a spacecraft into an asteroid at 15,000mph on MONDAY – and the method could one day save Earth from a deadly impact (DailyMail) DART Sets Sights on Asteroid Target (NASA) Massive sinkholes leave two missing and three injured in Guatemala (abc AU) Robots Are Taking Over Chinese Factories (Forbes) Nancy Pelosi booed during surprise appearance at NYC festival (Fox News) Pfizer's chief executive tests positive for COVID-19 for second time in two months (Sky News) USPS spied on ‘MAGA’, right-wing, gun rights activists, docs show (American Military News) DOJ Admits Federal Gov Ran Informants Inside Oath Keepers, Jan. 6 (Gateway Pundit) Flesh-eating 'Tranq dope' Xylazine accounts for a third of OD deaths in Philadelphia (DailyMail) Chinese Drones in Antarctica creating Museum (Air and Space) BYU biology prof receives 3-yr NSF grant to research in Antarctica (Daily Universe) The art shrines buried deep inside of the South Pole Ice Tunnels (Boing Boing) China may now have air superiority over US in Pacific (Asian Times) Scientists Studying Octopus arm for better Robot Arm (Newsweek)
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