Emergence 1: The Grand Emergence
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What is the significance of being here, in a body, on Earth, at a moment of such extraordinary transformation?
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Release Date: 07/04/2015
Description: Steve Stoll - Model T ( Aux 88 rmx) Dj Nephil - UHZS ( FORTHCOMING) Exium Complex ( Rolando remix) Rolando - Juu Octave One - Daystar rising Rolando - Aztlan Dave Clarke - Red2 Robert Hood - Family Vice - Blaze it up Joey Beltram - code 6 The Martian Stardancer Dj T-1000 Bout to bang it Dj Shufflemaster - experience (surgeon remix) Jeff Mills Black Is The Number Staffan Linzatti Clarity Armando Morse Code Drexciya Universal element
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Octave Chanute - Pioneering Aviation in Indiana Dunes
Release Date: 06/10/2024
Description: [Transcript]So, who was Octave Chanute? And why is there a museum exhibit dedicated to him here in Marquette Park? Well, even though Kitty Hawk is famous for being the location of the first successful powered flight, the Indiana Dunes also hold a special place in aviation history. While the Wright brothers are often credited as the fathers of flight, Octave Chanute played a crucial role in their success and in the early development of aviation. Born in Paris in 1832, Octave immigrated to the U.S. as a child. As he grew older, he flourished as a civil engineer. He designed the first bridge over the Missouri River, as well as the country's two largest stockyards. He even invented new techniques for wood preservation.Octave was known as one of America's most successful and brilliant engineers. But by the 1890s, Octave became captivated by a new engineering challenge, powered flight. He meticulously studied the works of past aviation pioneers, conducted his own experiments, and advocated for scientific research in the field. He wrote a book, Progress in Flying Machines, that went on to inspire other early aviators. And Octave wasn't just a theorist, he was a builder. He constructed and flew several gliders, demonstrating their viability and gathering data on aerodynamics and stability. His most famous creation, the biplane glider, inspired the Wright brothers' own early designs. And then, in the summer of 1896, the Indiana Dunes became a stage for aviation magic. This is where Octave Chanute and his assistants arrived with a singular ambition, to conquer the skies. They showed up with some pretty peculiar luggage, or in other words, experimental gliders, which caused quite a stir among the locals. They even nicknamed Octave the Crazy Old Man of the Sand Dunes. Octave chose a spot here on Miller Beach to run his trials. With the excitement brewing, he and his team assembled their first experiment, a glider based on the designs of German pioneer Otto Lilienthal. Then they tested Octave's own biplane glider. These weren't just isolated experiments, they were public spectacles. Crowds gathered to witness the daring flights. They'd grimace at every leap into the air, and then ooh and ah at every flight and safe landing. As always, Octave documented his every step, capturing meticulous notes and photographs.They conducted over 300 successful glide flights and continued to refine their understanding of aerodynamics and control. Octave, with his silver beard and unwavering determination, became a symbol of human ingenuity and the boundless potential of flight. Octave Chanute and the Wright brothers formed a close friendship. He shared his knowledge and provided crucial encouragement during their challenging experiments. He even helped them secure funding and publicity for their work. Octave's legacy extends beyond gliders and airplanes. He championed safety in aviation, advocating for rigorous testing and pilot training. He also believed that flight should benefit everyone, promoting the use of airplanes for transportation and commerce. While Octave Chanute never achieved powered flight himself, his contributions were instrumental in paving the way for the Wright brothers' historic Kitty Hawk flight in 1903. He is rightly considered a founding father of aviation, a pioneer who laid the groundwork for the revolution that took us to the skies.
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Octave Developer Sessions - What's New in Octave? - Jan-14 2020
Release Date: 02/01/2021
Description: This video is a recording of an online event for IoT developers around Octave edge-to-cloud data orchestration platform by Sierra Wireless. Agenda: presentations and demos of newly released features in Octave Register for the next live event on...
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Homily Mary Mother of God
Release Date: 01/01/2024
Description: Happy new years as we celebrate the end of the Christmas Octave with the celebration of Mary Mother of God. January 1 2024 at Sacred Heart Cathedral
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