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Feed Me

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This episode is also available as a blog post: https://gailraegarwood.wordpress.com/2017/09/25/feed-me/


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    Release Date: 06/25/2021

    Description: This episode is also available as a blog post: https://gailraegarwood.wordpress.com/2021/03/22/slowitdownckd-news/

    Explicit: No

    Gail Rae Garwood

    Release Date: 07/28/2022

    Description: Our guest on this episode of the Triple Helix Podcast our guest is Gail Rae Garwood. Gail is a popular writer/author and blogger about health and healing, with a focus on kidney health.  Gail's award-winning blog and book series, "SlowitdownCKD" and other titles are a repository of wisdom, research, first-hand experience and insight on the topic of kidney disease and kidney health. She's published two books of fiction as well, and her work has been found in The American Kidney Fund, The New York City Board of Education, and The National Kidney Foundation, Wall Street Journal. Gail was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease back in 2008 and has been grappling with that condition with wit, positivity, a great mindset and a productive work style.

    Explicit: No

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