Galatians In Depth
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Galatians is one of the most misunderstood books written by the Apostle Paul and rightly so since we’ve removed any and all historical, cultural, and textual context all while losing our foundational footing on the instructions that bring life. When reading Scripture I’ve learned especially when reading Paul to get the history of the geographical area, customs of the people in the area pre-conversion, references in other Scriptural Books such as the books of the Torah, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Apocrypha to see if they’re being quoted from, and take time to get a complete understanding as to what issues are being addressed. Paul was an excellent Torah teacher if you have a base understanding of the Torah and that it is eternal and understood the Apocrypha including ones we’ve lost over time very well. Sadly, we don’t get that context from the Bible because the American canon is much smaller then canons from around the world such as the Ethiopian or Orthodox Russian canons of course when reading books that have been removed from the American canon they must be tested to the rest of scripture. In this examination I will be giving a synopsis of the epistle of the Galatians from front to back while referencing the same scriptures and history that Paul was referencing as well as showing passages that correlate to what he was saying in this letter. Like it says this is in depth so we can make sure we get proper context and don’t live in a way the Almighty thinks is an abomination. I used the KJV, CEPHER, TS2009, WEB, and NET Bibles to do this study as well as studying the who the people were that Paul was speaking to which were the Celts who had migrated from the Southwestern Europe and the British Isles several hundred years before and had the customs of practicing the winter solstice traditions of their forefathers on December 21/25 (many have been incorporated into Christmas), Spring Equinox celebrations aka the celebration of Ishtar aka Easter, and Sanhain which is Halloween or All Saints Day now. All those practices date back to Babylon per historical records and Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. Per Deuteronomy 12 we should not be partaking in these traditions even if we are trying to “Christianize” it we are to remove ourselves from those practices for better practices that come from the Almighty. I do this with the utmost honesty and integrity and pray you are blessed by it. Chapter 1 The introduciton to the letter shows Paul to be troubled that the new converts in Galatia were turning to a different doctrine other then the one he taught which is the same one that Yahusha/Jesus taught. He lets the new converts know that any other message that doesn’t line up with his and Yahusha’s was wrong (Yahusha let us know if it doesn’t line up with Moses it’s wrong see John 5:46-47) and to let the men teaching such doctrines be accursed. So we must know what doctrine he taught and by going through Romans we see he’s teaching the establishment of Torah through a belief unto obedience, stating the outside works are useless without faith and that we must have both faith and works. Verse 11 is very telling as he lets the reader know his good news did not come from man but from the Word made flesh which is Yahusha/Jesus. Paul goes on to let the readers of the epistle know that he used to practice judaism and would persecute the walkers of the Way (which was a sect of Judaism) because he was ardent for the traditions of the elders (modern day Talmud and Mishna). This right here gives us a clue that judaism does not follow God’s law inwardly but only use it for outward appearances, therefore they’re wearing filthy rags. Messiah had the same issues with the Pharisees and Sadducees in His time as see Mark 7, Matthew 23, and many more for textual proof. He ends chapter 1 by telling of his time in Arabia and with Peter and the beginning of his missionary journeys. Chapter 2 We see in the beginning that Paul had br
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