It's A Hard Knock Life
The Shorashim 2019 musical production tells the s…
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The Shorashim 2019 musical production tells the story of old Shorashim campers reliving their camp memories decades down the line in Ramah Retirement Home. ההפקה המוסיקלית של שורשים 2019 מספרת את הסיפור של חניכי שורשים שאחרי עשרות שנים נזכרים בזכרונות מחנה מתוקים מהקיץ שלהם בשורשים.
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Kol Ramah
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Zoe Takes Us to The Kol Ramah Studios
Release Date: 08/11/2023
Description: In our final episode of The Camp Ramah in The Berkshires Summer 2023 Walking Tour, our host Zoe (Shorashim) takes us on short walk from the chadar ochel to where we have worked all week to create this podcast series. Zoe talks about what she sees in the studio, and then sits down to talk to the rest of the Kol Ramah podcast team, Omer, Ben and Darone. This Kol Ramah podcast series was hosted by Zoe (Shorashim) and Jayden (Tikva). The Kol Ramah podcast team includes Mitch Mernick, Omer Patito, Ben Conway, and Darone Ruskay. The music for this podcast was recorded live at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires by Rabbi Josh Warshawsky. You can listen to Kol Ramah anytime by visiting
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Zoe Takes Us to The Agam
Release Date: 08/11/2023
Description: In our first episode of The Camp Ramah in The Berkshires Summer 2023 Walking Tour, our host Zoe (Shorashim) takes us to the Agam -the lake- to learn all about what happens at camp. She gets to sit down with Rosh Agam Robbie Kroll, who shares a little bit about what he does at camp, his deep connection to the waterfront and some of his favorite things about the lake. This Kol Ramah podcast series was hosted by Zoe (Shorashim) and Jayden (Tikva). The Kol Ramah podcast team includes Mitch Mernick, Omer Patito, Ben Conway, and Darone Ruskay. The music for this podcast was recorded live at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires by Rabbi Josh Warshawsky. You can listen to Kol Ramah anytime by visiting
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Jayden Takes Us to Animal Care
Release Date: 08/11/2023
Description: In this episode of The Camp Ramah in The Berkshires Summer 2023 Walking Tour, our host Jayden (Tikva) and his counselor Rachel takes a walk around camp to go to Animal Care. Along the way he interviews campers, and counselors and specialist as he talks about all the things he likes about camp and sees on his way. Jayden then sits down to talk to his counselor Rachel Kimball. This Kol Ramah podcast series was hosted by Jayden (Tikva) and Zoe (Shorashim). The Kol Ramah podcast team includes Mitch Mernick, Omer Patito, Ben Conway, and Darone Ruskay. The music for this podcast was recorded live at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires by Rabbi Josh Warshawsky. You can listen to Kol Ramah anytime by visiting
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Zemer L'Gidon
Release Date: 08/31/1969
Description: Side A of L'Chayeh Kol Am Yisreal. This album was recorded in Beit Am Bet at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires in Kayitz 1969. Cantor David Tilman Rosh Shira, and did much of the arranging and work for creating this album. It features music from that summer's Zimriyah and Arts Festival, along with camp plays, Kiddish, and Hymnon Ramah. Thank you to CRB Historian Max Silverstone for bringing this music to Radio Kol Ramah!
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