just now

Jump the gun

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So today's story is actually Samantha's story. And the thing is Samantha was waiting for her job interview for weeks. She had prepared for every possible question and rehearsed her answers or practiced her answers until she felt confident she could impress the interviewer. On the day of the interview. she arrived early and she sat, she was feeling very nervous in the waiting room, going over her notes trying to practice and rehearse the questions once again. And finally, the interviewer called her in and they began the interview. Samantha thought it was going very well. She answered all the questions with ease and felt like she was really connecting with the interviewer towards the end of the interview. though, the interviewer asked Samantha when she would be available to start if she got the job. without thinking, Samantha blurted out. And this is the first expression I'm going to teach you today to blurt out. What does it mean to blurt out? It means that you say something suddenly and impulsively without thinking it through or without considering the consequences. So when you blurt out you simply say something without thinking, without considering what the effect of what you're saying really is. So the thing is Samantha simply blurted out that she could start working next Monday. That's what she, what she blurted out. I can start next Monday. But then she realized that she had jumped the gun. What does it mean to jump the gun when you jump the gun? It means that you said something too soon. Now, the point is not necessarily that you said the wrong thing, it was like inappropriate or something, but it means that you said something before the appropriate time. That's the point. So if you say something before the appropriate time or you start to celebrate, a possible result before it comes, you can say that you have jumped the gun and that's what Samantha did. She said she could start working next Monday, but she didn't even know if she got the job. So coming back to the story, the interviewer looked at her for a moment and then smiled and he said, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Samantha, but we still have a few more interviews to conduct. We would like to know our decision in a few days." So the interviewer noticed that Samantha had jumped the gun. Samantha left the interview feeling embarrassed, she knew she had jumped the gun and had potentially hurt her chance of getting the job from that day forward. She made sure to think twice before speaking too soon.


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