La 3pleta en la casa
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Como ya todos saben mi brother "aka" YO fue co anfitrion en el podcast. Ahora es su propio jefe en su guagua de comida La3pleta junto a su compa~era Saudy estan evolucionando el arte culinario. Tienen tales pltos como las papi platanos las famosas tripletas con ese sabor unico de la isla. Saudy esta encargada de las famosas pi~a coladas las cuales me atrevo a decir son fuera de este planeta. Tuvimos una platica brutal espero que disfruten el episodio.
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Garabatos Podcast
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Release Date: 03/17/2021
Description: My guest hosts this episode are the funny and incredible Fellas over at GARABATOS PODCAST. Ig: @Garabatos_podcast Also They have their YouTube channel as well and that's where the party is at. I was so excited to part of their show and the Lounge was honored to have them here. Garabatos Podcast is a 413 native podcast show geared towards the Hispanic and Latino community but obviously welcoming for the world to watch and listen. However it is their humor, their banter and their funny conversations on each episode that always has me laughing. If you don't understand Spanish please relax and hit play because I can assure you this was a lot of SPANGLISH in the House. I had a great time recording this episode with the fellas and encourage podcast listeners to support their show. Thank you to all the Loungers Listening and for your continued support. Gentleman of Garabatos Podcast You guys rocked it! Thank you! Twitter @LosLounge IG @losLounge_podcast IG @garabatos_podcast -(don't forget their YouTube Channel as well)
Explicit: Yes
I changed my Mind. It's MY SHOW. 😁🤣❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Release Date: 02/14/2021
Description: Well it's obvious I cannot make up my mind when it comes to this season. Welp! this was intended to be a bonus episode. It has evolved into a Blooper reel, b-sides audio snippets, ridiculousness and I update you on how I am doing and chat it up a bit with you, my audience, My fellow Loungers from around the GLOBE! I guess I still have more to say and with a growing audience Why would I stop. I can't; So this beat GOES On and On. Hit play and also please check out Garabatos Podcast on Anchor, Apple etc. and also their episodes are on YouTube which you will find me featured on their latest episode called "Charlie En la Casa". They will be at the Lounge very soon with me and I look forward to it. Also please rate and review the my show and follow me on Twitter @losLounge Or Instagram @LosLounge_Podcast @Karlos_in2020 where you can also watch clips on the RES episode and clips of my appearance on Garabatos Podcast. Stay Safe #LosloungePodcast
Explicit: Yes
Omitir Intro #5: Hablemos de 'Succession'
Release Date: 08/29/2022
Description: Una de las series más populares del último tiempo en HBO. Traición, negocios y muuuuchos garabatos son los que hacen de 'Successión' una de las grandes series y la analizamos bajo nuestra lupa. Audio extraído del live de YouTube:
Explicit: Yes
2-15-2021 As of late...
Release Date: 02/15/2021
Description: I have been doing my best in mental self care and emotional. Id like to discuss a little about Trauma Triggers Triumph. Also On this episode I pay homage to the "Control" album upon its 35th anniversary. I feel old. LOL I also dive into a little bit of my own self care and progress as earlier mentioned. One of the major things that has happened was my appearance on Garabatos Podcast. On this episode you will hear 2 Great clips from their show and you can watch it in full on their YouTube Channel. Poetry is always a release for me and I am happy with the piece I wrote for todays episode. I needed to stay busy today and this is what I came up with. I hope that it resonates with you in some way shape or form or just makes you laugh a little today. I know the "Garabatos Podcast" segment is in Spanish mostly but I implore you just sit tight and listen. As always please review the show and leave a rating. Twitter @LosLounge Instagram @LosLounge_podcast
Explicit: Yes
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