just now

Let the good times roll!

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Dare we say it? Legacy on Sunday looks pretty awesome! Matt and Jake had a ton of fun talking about the decks in the top 8, and didn't have to say UR once! Modern even had its premier deck dethroned and the churn continues. To wrap it up WOTC gave us another banger of an announcement with the Pauper Format Panel. Let the good times roll! Legacy top 8 - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/tournament/legacy-challenge-12372532#paper Modern top 8 - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/tournament/modern-challenge-12372530#paper Contact us or check out our social media! Email - [email protected] Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/295644032315064/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/CantripCartel  Discord - discord.planestalkerspodcast.com YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCko7luoSQw3thV9OOg_4Oxw Check out the Leaving a legacy Podcast! Website - https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/leaving-a-legacy/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/leavingalegacymtg/ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZeVXhZuZu7Ygf5AQ1lxil?si=f6d041c1f9e94f28 Pauper Format Panel Announcement - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/announcing-pauper-format-panel-2022-01-10 Timestamps Legacy - 6:42 Modern - 49:10 MTG Arena funny bug - 1:09:37 Pauper Format Panel - 1:12:09 Tags: magic, magic the gathering, legacy, mtg, Modern Thanks to Bensound.com for music files


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