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Let's Talk about Parenting after Trauma with @Thebirthtrauma_mama

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Kayleigh has created a space of solidarity and support for parents who are navigating parenting after trauma. She has a powerful story and message that all should hear. Having experienced a traumatic pregnancy of my own- I am so grateful for the space that she has created online. The ending is a MUST watch.  0:30- Intro for Kayleigh 1:56- Kayleigh's birth story  9:43- Waking up from the coma and meeting her son  12:35- How did the trauma of the birth impact the first few months of parenting?  15:50- Coming out on the other side and feeling like "this is who I will be for the rest of my life" 19:10- Struggling with your partner after trauma  21:41- Having compassion for yourself  24:00- Final thoughts before wrapping up  25:33- Unspoken rule in motherhood- that you can't talk about something you are upset about when you are supposed to only be grateful 


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2 Moms 0 Attention Span

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