Podcast OliverFromEarth-el
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Ebben az epizódban Patocska Olivérrel, azaz OliverFromEarth-el beszélgettem. SZóba került az ő pályafutása, miket élt meg, milyen szerepet tölt be a magyar zeneiparban, de még az is szóba került, hova utazna el, ha megtehetné. Ha kíváncsi vagy, nézd végig az epizódot!
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Release Date: 03/21/2021
Description: Beköszönés, Youtube podcastek és videórögzítõ eszközök Jade Raymond új stúdiót alapított (14:22) PSVR 2 kontroller bemutató (20:07) Dewla Modern Warfare játszópajtit keres #foreveralone (38:22) God of War Playstation 5, Sea of Thieves eszképizmus (52:22) Pirates és a The Lost Pirate Kingdom (01:05:02) Loop Hero még mindig (01:06:02) Outriders és Rage 2 Game Passben, Bethesda a Microsoftnál, Avengers nextgenen, sorozatok a pedig a streaming szolgáltatóknál (01:12:52) Amennyiben tetszik a podcast, támogass minket a Patreonon!
Explicit: No
Release Date: 01/05/2021
Authors: Zuzeu Podcast & Kaixomaitia
Description: #00 Kaixomaitia, zer duzu?Zuzeu Podcastek eta Kaixomaitiak aurkezten duten podcast berria da "Kaixomaitia, zer duzu?", euskal herritarron harreman afektibo eta sexualei buruzkoa. Zero atalean, Kaixomaitia harremanen atariko Iñigo Arandiak eta Aztiker soziologia ikerguneko Ekhi Zubiriak 2020ko "Euskal Herritarron harreman afektibo eta sexualen inguruko ikerketa" aurkeztu digute.Izan ere, podcastaren ondorengo saioetan sexuinkestaren emaitzak atalez atal aztertuko ditugu, Harremanak osasun zentro integraleko psikologo eta sexologoa den Olatz Berastegirekin batera.
Explicit: No
Random Encounters Aren't Random
Release Date: 11/14/2023
Description: You might think random encounters are just random coincidences, but they are actually close encounters of a different kind, and are divinely planned. Here's an example I had of this yesterday... FOR FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS VISIT: https://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason349/ LIKED THE PODCAST? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you found value, the will too. Please leave a review [https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jamming-with-jason-mefford/id1456660699] on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people. OTHER RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY: My YouTube channel [https://www.youtube.com/c/jasonleemefford] and make sure to subscribe My Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/jammingwithjasonmefford] My LinkedIn page [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonmefford/] My website [https://jasonmefford.com] STAY UP TO DATE WITH NEW CONTENT: It can be difficult to find information on social media and the internet, but you get treated like a VIP and have one convenient list of new content delivered to you inbox each week when you subscribe to Jason's VIP Lounge at: https://jasonmefford.com/vip/ plus that way you can communicate with me through email. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jammingwithjason/support
Explicit: No
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