Silliness is everywhere...
Last week I shared my personal close encounter...
First published
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Release Date: 05/07/2011
Description: What use is an F-call? This podcast started life in 2011 when I was asked to record a story I shared during the production of the weekly amateur radio news in Western Australia. I'd been a licensed radio amateur, or ham, for a few months and found myself surrounded by people who perceived the basic Australian foundation amateur licence wasn't worth anything. What use is an F-call? is my response to that sentiment. It's produced weekly. In 2015 after long deliberation it was renamed to Foundations of Amateur Radio so people outside Australia might also enjoy the experience. Although most of the items stand alone, I'd recommend that you start at the beginning in 2011 and listen in sequence. Enjoy. I'm Onno VK6FLAB
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Release Date: 06/13/2015
Description: What use is an F-call? This podcast started life in 2011 when I was asked to record a story I shared during the production of the weekly amateur radio news in Western Australia. I'd been a licensed radio amateur, or ham, for a few months and found myself surrounded by people who perceived the basic Australian foundation amateur licence wasn't worth anything. What use is an F-call? is my response to that sentiment. It's produced weekly. In 2015 after long deliberation it was renamed to Foundations of Amateur Radio so people outside Australia might also enjoy the experience. Although most of the items stand alone, I'd recommend that you start at the beginning in 2011 and listen in sequence. Enjoy. I'm Onno VK6FLAB
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What does Amateur Radio mean for you?
Release Date: 04/14/2012
Description: What use is an F-call? Arthur C Clarke pointed out that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" and so it is with Amateur Radio. We're celebrating over a century of radio and most of that is about learning, about transforming knowledge, applying that and coming up with new solutions for problems. What use is an F-call started 44 episodes ago. During that time I've talked about what Amateur Radio is about, what you can do with a Foundation Call, how to involve yourself in the hobby, how to ask questions, where to go for help and many other topics. As I've said all along, I'm a new Amateur. I've been in this hobby less than two years and every day I learn something new. From the feedback I'm getting, what I'm doing is striking a chord for many Amateurs and I'm happy that it does. Ultimately, the aim of this is to encourage Amateurs to experiment, to talk, to interact and to not be afraid to make mistakes. Some of those topics are specific to new hams, but some might relate to you even if you've had a license for much longer. I'd like to see "What use is an F-call" evolve into something that you can participate in. Your contribution might be a simple email that tells of an experience you had at some time, or it might be an outline of an idea that you'd like to see discussed. For me, Amateur Radio is magical. It's a technically challenging hobby that encourages me to investigate and learn. What does Amateur Radio mean for you? If you'd like to get in touch, my email address is [email protected] I'm Onno VK6FLAB
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Wear your callsign with pride!
Release Date: 04/12/2014
Description: What use is an F-call? Having a call sign is a personal identity. For some, much thought has gone into the combination of letters, for others, like myself, it was assigned randomly. The letters that make up your call sign conform to specific requirements. The first part of the call, the prefix is the country and state identifier. In my case, VK6 means Western Australia. The rest of the call, the suffix, follows rules as well. The foundation license has four letters and starts with the letter F, followed by three letters, making up what is often referred to as the F-call. If you have a standard license, the suffix is three letters, of which the first letter is a H, L, M, N, P or V. The letter R is reserved for Beacons and Repeaters. The advanced license has either two or three letters and uses the remaining letters. So with that information you can figure out what license class a station can operate under when you hear a call sign on air. If you're a holder of an advanced license, you can choose to start your suffix with the letter F, and in doing so, you'll become a member of the F-call club. A select group of fine fiery individuals fascinated with Amateur Radio, the fun of the hobby, the furthering of their education, and proud to be an Amateur - hi hi! So, If your prefix starts with the letter F, welcome to the club! I mused what my callsign might be when I upgrade. I think I'll move to New South Wales and have a chat with Fred. He's VK2FSP, that sounds like a nice callsign to have. VK2, F-call Special Person. I'm sure he'll share. On the other hand, that would require that I move to VK2. Perhaps there are other alternatives! Your call, wear it with pride - F or otherwise! I'm Onno VK6FLAB
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