The Enfield Poltergeist
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“From the windoooooooooow to the wall!” - The Enfield Poltergeist lobbing someone’s daughter across the room probably. Yes that’s right, this week’s we’re uncovering one of the UK’s spookiest stories; the Enfield Poltergeist. Did young Janet Hodgson get possessed by an old man or did she just make it all up for fame on whatever the equivalent of Bebo was at the time? Let’s find out!
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Stickyleaks: Spon Con Special
Release Date: 06/21/2021
Description: We've been so blessed with some incredible sponsors this season so we thought they all deserved another showcase. Everyone from the Meat Men to Aunt Bessie XXX to Jane Eyre's #BeKind campaign, they're all here, plus a few bonus ones! Stickyleaks has always devoted to the truth but crucially, is even more devoted to MONEY HONEY! Capitalism > Conspiracies xxx Love you, ttyl, see u all soon xoxo
Explicit: Yes