just now
Welcome to Awaken Out Of Context, a thought-provoking podcast where I (Jason) engage in profound conversations with fascinating individuals who have something truly valuable to share with the world. Through this podcast, I seek out high performers from diverse backgrounds, crossing boundaries and exploring a wide range of captivating subjects. While I initially envisioned primary themes such as Meditation & Spirituality, Nutrition, Vitality & Fitness, Entrepreneurship, The Creative Process, Physical Performance, Mindset, Mental Health & Addiction, and the intriguing realm of evolutionary psychology, what truly drives me is the opportunity to connect with interesting people who have compelling stories to tell.My ultimate intention is to offer tools and insights that will improve the lives of our listeners, creating a transformative experience for all.In the episodes recorded so far, Awaken Out Of Context has featured extraordinar
09/22/2023 15:59:40
Jason Berry
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