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Billions Black Breakdown


Billions Black Breakdown: Podcast seeks to shed light on the top business sharks of the world and their fundamental concepts of reality. We also explore the interplay between business and broader human experience.WHO IS SHERLOCK HOMEBOY?Sherlock Homeboy is unique compared to an average human, but he is not a “high-functioning sociopath.” Sherlock Homeboy most likely suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, a minor case of Bipolar Disorder, and a hint of Savant Syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome causes Sherlock Homeboy to think in pictures. He is extremely antisocial, also classified as aromantic and sapiosexual, never has love affairs and shuns society, with a split personality. Sherlock Homeboy is not just a outside of the box thinker, but a mystery himself. Aside from his obvious inability to behave in a social settings, his obvious lack of regard for the rules there is also the fact that his skills are not infallible. In real life, Sherlock Homeboy's eccentricities, standoffish pers




Release Date:

09/11/2023 15:22:19


Marlawn Heavenly VII



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