just now
Bojana Šaljić Podešva She closed studies composition at the AG in Ljubljana and studying electroacoustic composition in Vienna. The basic means of her expression is composing electroacoustic music - which covers both fixed two - or multi - channel compositions as well as "real-time" processing instrumental works - vocal sounds or sound installations. For her work she received many awards from slovenian and international competitions - both for concert works - (such as Gustav Mahler Kompositions Preis 32, international competition of Electroacoustic music Bourgesu in france, as well as music for film and theater (eg . Vesna - music from the film Children of Petrick). photo: Matjaž Pihler--------------------------------------------------SLO: Bojana Šaljić Podešva je zaključila študij kompozicije na AG v Ljubljani in študij elektroakustične kompozicije na Dunaju. Temeljno izrazno sredstvo skladateljice je elektroakustična glasba, s čimer zajema tako fiksno izdelane dvo- ali ve
09/02/2020 03:39:25
radioCona, http://www.cona.si/radio
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