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Chaos to Calm is a show about learning to live in a calm, relaxed and natural state, better able to deal with the challenges of daily life. We’ll introduce you to Ren Xue, a comprehensive path to wellbeing developed by Yuan Tze. Its primary tool is Yuan Gong, an innovative form of Qigong, which is gentle exercise and meditation that integrates movement, posture, breathing, energy and awareness. Ren Xue combines work on the body and energy, or Qi, with work on the mind and heart. The practices are enjoyable and easy to learn and have improved the health and wellbeing of people all over the world.You’ll meet some of the people whose lives have been turned around by Ren Xue, people recovering from physical illness, or who have repaired their relationships, or who have found a deeper meaning through their Ren Xue practice. You’ll get insights into the theory and practical aspects of how the mind, body and Qi can work together to bring about real change.
03/27/2021 00:25:30
Jackie Blunt, Kathy Fogarty and Bill McMillan
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