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About Our Discussions: At Chronic Love, in collaboration with our generous featured guests, we share candid discussions about living with and beyond chronic illness with the intention of showing the humanity, the wholeness of life impacted by chronic disease and chronic conditions. We hope that these conversations can offer a needed counterpoint to the often sterile portrayals of illness and treatment in the service of helping those living with illness to feel less alone; to offer supportive others a lens through which they may more sensitively meet the needs of their fellow humans with illness; and to raise awareness, curiosity, critical thought, and contemplations of change as we lean into issues that impose further hardship on humans living with illness. Please note that these discussions have been extracted from video recordings that can be found on www.chroniclove.org or on our YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/@chroniclove. You can also find us on Facebook: https:www.facebo
09/27/2021 14:48:02
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