just now
CoCre8 Oneness™ podcast is specially designed for anyone lacking motivation, direction, and focus in life. Host Dan Wilkz has a passion for helping recovering addicts and victims of major trauma find purpose, meaning, and fulfillment through personal development and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Dan helps his audience master their inner world. His insight and experience inspire and motivate a growing following of self-driven individuals seeking to become the best version of themselves. Business professionals, recovering addicts, entrepreneurs, social outcasts, and small business owners alike tune in to CoCre8 Oneness™ podcast because it is designed to help you rewire your mind. Expand your knowledge with wise insight and useful hacks from the best personal growth has to offer. Dan blends neuroscience and psychology, with tactics and tools that can be used to reprogram your subconscious mind, conquer your limiting beliefs, and propel you into a life you are proud of. No matter if you ar
05/04/2021 22:31:02
Dan Wilkz
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