just now
“Darlings Do Die” is a podcast hosted by The American Prince Charles III and is centered on ridding your life of unnecessary baggage that could be holding you back in certain aspects of life. This could be your career, content creations, friendships, family relations, or even health. In reaching your full potential, sometimes you have to “Kill your darlings” in order to do better, a phrase often In reaching your full potential, sometimes you have to “Kill your darlings. “In the world of writers, “Kill your darlings” is a common piece of advice that’s given to others by professional writers. You kill your darlings when you need to get rid of unnecessary baggage with your story such as characters, a part of a storyline (which just isn’t working) or totally removing certain pieces of creative writing-elements that have to be excluded for the sake of the survival of the story itself. Join me as we have conversations on “Darlings Do Die” as we seek to find solutions together as rid ours
09/26/2020 02:19:10
The American Prince Charles III
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