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Don't Be Weird!


If you want to discuss interesting topics and become part of a community of skeptics and scholars then you are in the right place. Maybe you came here on purpose, or maybe you stumbled your way here accidentally while looking for podcasts about whether cereal is soup, or the propulsion properties of penguin poop. Maybe you were held at gunpoint and forced to listen in order to save your family from a horrible fate. We don’t really care, but we are sure happy you found us!This project was born from the abnormal, yet incredible, brains of lifelong friends Collin Wells and John Edwards. The two have spent their entire lives injecting weird, and random facts into normal conversations and being told “Don’t Be Weird!”. Collin has a vast technical background and John is an experienced teacher, but both possess an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding of the weird existence that we find ourselves sharing together. Frequently we find ourselves curious about the world around us, and




Release Date:

09/26/2020 00:12:38


Collin Wells & John Edwards



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