just now
For Pete's Sake is a sports-talk show that's about more than x's and o's or last night's scores. It's about life. Hosted by Pete Solari, and broadcasting from New York, For Pete's Sake is a 1 hour weekly show featuring various rantings and ravings about professional and college sports topics and is occasionally mixed with discussions about news, politics, history, pop culture, life, or anything else that's going on. For Pete's Sake airs live every Wednesday at Noon ET on MESN Radio (MESNradio.com) and can also be heard at iTunes, TuneIn, Soundcloud, Google Play, The Internet Archive (archive.org/details/@forpetesake), and at 4petesake.net. Re-runs air on KMAZ Radio (KMAZ.caster.fm). For more breaking sports news and commentary from Pete Solari, check out The Monday Morning Quarterback at MondayMorningQB.info.You can listen to the most recent episodes here. For every episode ever, visit http://4petesake.net or check out the archives at https://archive.org/details/@forpetesake. Recen
08/20/2020 13:52:19
Pete Solari
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