just now
Imagine this world an even better place if we aim to understand its people's stories. Seeking to understand favors curiosity, patience, open-mindedness, and empathy. There is an absence of judgment and a desire to see things from others’ points of view, to see their reasons, and feel what they feel.The more we seek understanding, the better we can craft our work. The better our work, the more likely we are to positively impact this world. Understanding is also a way to access knowledge, and knowledge is power. If you want to build a better place, start with listening. That is not all! Because if you listen well and try to understand all sides, you will find that you have so much more than your own story. Because in this world of ours that is so small and so fragile, we are bound together by stories. In such a world, curiosity, patience, open-mindedness, and empathy would be highly valued qualities. People would recognize the power of understanding and would actively strive to
07/31/2022 07:01:54
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