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Hindi Urdu Lives


The Hindi Urdu Flagship at the University of Texas at Austin has the fortune of regularly hosting well-known Hindi-Urdu scholars and artists. In addition, HUF faculty and contacts often cross paths with notables in the Hindi-Urdu world while travelling nationally or visiting South Asia. The HUF team makes a conscious effort to steal some time during each of these visits in order to record the artist's or scholar's thoughts on their work, various aspects of Hindi-Urdu, and the world of language in general. The hope is to capture a wide variety of native speakers in 'full-flow' and to a catch glimpse of the various intellectual and artistic worlds which use Hindi-Urdu as their medium.Produced by the Hindi Urdu Flagship at The University of Texas at Austin. Visit hindiurduflagship.org/resources for more Hindi-Urdu learning materials.




Release Date:

08/20/2020 15:41:36


Hindi Urdu Flagship



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