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Jackies Proof Animals Have Souls


My show will encompass my passion for animals and their incredibly heightened senses, and all things spiritual, psychic, and mediumistic! My long-term passion has always been exploring Shamanic, Out of Body & Near-Death Experiences, and Mediumship (channeling), proving all beings survive death as a fact of nature. I wholeheartedly invite listeners to email thoughts, comments, views, and personal psychic, and mediumistic experiences to be discussed in forthcoming shows!I have a love of all animals; every individual has character and personality!Importantly, all have emotions, feelings, and nerve endings, that feel pain! So many animals show incredible love, loyalty, telepathic, and psychic abilities and demonstrate their after-death survival as anyone knows who has lived with or spent considerable time with, a dog, cat, horse, cow, monkey, etc.I discuss my books on my website w




Release Date:

09/26/2023 20:37:17


Jackie Jones Hunt



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