just now
Wanna Create WAY MORE REAL VALUE in the world By Simply Being YOU?HA! ...doesn't everyone right?And I can already hear that voice in my head chattering away..."but I cant do THAT. What will they think of me??"And I'm calling BS on that whole line of thinking.I'm shining a light on it and showing that its all an illusion.Besides, its about time I decided to step into the fear of the unknown and be who I've always dreamed of being.And hey, ya never know, it might end up being easiesr than I thought! safe bet!Look, the bottom line is that this is the best way for us BOTH to get what we want.So, sit back, relax, and enjoy 'Me Being Me'-P @mebeingme.live
03/28/2021 23:11:28
Parker Winder
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