just now
Take your first step to leadership––or your next step to realizing your full leadership potential. Each episode features ONE STEP you can take on your journey to becoming a better leader and to more effectively serve the people who trust in your leadership.You leave with one idea, strategy or tactic that will help you connect––to help you lead by earning the respect, trust and loyalty of the people you serve. More than that, you leave with DISCIPLINES to transform these ideas into real action. Inspire, Empower and Guide people to their very best. Today––take ONE STEP!Hosted by Jim Bouchard––Leadership Activist, Speaker, Author and founder of THE SENSEI LEADER MOVEMENT"Every journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." ~Lao Tzu"The rest of the trip is one step after another!" ~Jim Bouchard
04/05/2021 15:04:08
Jim Bouchard
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