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Professor Tamara Hervey, University of Sheffield, gave a lunchtime seminar entitled "Patients' Rights Post-Brexit" on Wednesday 30 October 2019 at the Faculty of Law as a guest of CELS (the Centre for European Legal Studies).The support of the ESRC’s Health Governance After Brexit grant ES/S00730X/1 and The University of Sheffield’s SURE programme is gratefully acknowledged. While the UK is a member of the European Union (EU), people who are entitled to NHS treatment in the UK are entitled to access state healthcare when travelling abroad as temporary visitors. In practice, this right is accessed through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). EHIC entitlements include the right to state-provided dialysis treatment when abroad. When the UK leaves the EU, this will change. Patients’ legal entitlements will differ depending on what kind of Brexit occurs. This paper will analyse the new post-Brexit legal landscape, and will focus on particularly vulnerable patient groups.For more
04/16/2021 06:44:32
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