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Reinvent Healthcare is a podcast that provides support, insight, and cutting edge information for health and wellness practitioners passionately committed to transforming our broken, disease-focused, healthcare system. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, your host and founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, shares her 30 plus years of clinical experience using science-based, nutritional and natural approaches for successfully correcting the imbalances that lead to chronic disease. Her vast knowledge, infectious energy, and love for all things geeky will provide listeners with the kind of insights and information found nowhere else. Her commitment to and success in supporting the body's own ability to heal makes her a proven leader in the field of functional healthcare. An internationally recognized nutrition and women’s health authority, Dr. Ritamarie’s goal is to provide practitioners with the knowledge and tools needed to guide their clients to optimal, lasting health. Reinv
01/31/2022 18:50:24
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
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