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Save it for the Booth


Punk and Deuce are two guys who have been friends for over 25 years and grew up on the south side of Chicago, with Punk from the Hyde Park area and Deuce from the South Shore neighborhood. They recently started a podcast called "Save It For The Booth," in which they discuss relationships, trending topics, and black culture. Punk is the star of the show and is known for being argumentative and controversial, while Deuce serves as the host and producer. The podcast gained traction through viral videos on TikTok and has gained popularity due to its unique format, which allows Punk's controversial approach to shine through while Deuce keeps the conversation balanced. It has found a strong following among its listeners, particularly among its male audience, and has gained popularity through its entertaining nature and authenticity.




Release Date:

10/04/2021 01:57:04


Punk, Deuce,



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