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Service Dog Nation highlights Service Dogs as alternative medicine for a happier healthier lifestyle, that breathes new life and another level of freedom for people who have experienced mental or physical adversity in their lives. There is beauty and grace in the unparalleled bond between a person whose life experience would not be the same without the assistance of their dog everyday. There’s an increase of service dogs in public and discussion about authenticity of working dogs, without fully understanding the variety of jobs dogs hold and the people that need them. Service Dog Nation Host, Nancy Sommers, is here to raise awareness that the gifts a service dog can provide are life-changing. It’s time we raise service dog integrity with perspective from those that use a service, guide or emotional support dog, and those working in the expanding area of canine careers for the people who need them. This includes children with autism, civilians & veterans w/PTSD, hearing and sight impa
08/20/2020 14:19:16
Nancy Sommers, CEO of Service Dog Nation
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