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The Smalltalk programming language is not only the first pure object oriented language, but has been the birthplace for many of today's best practices in software development including agile methods, design patterns, unit testing, refactoring and incremental development. In the Smalltalk Reflections podcast, David Buck and Craig Latta guide you through the world of Smalltalk covering topics from basic object oriented principles to software testing, version control and deployment techniques. They discuss theory, practice and experiences in Smalltalk development. They interview developers working in Smalltalk on major financial, insurance, shipping and manufacturing systems and discuss the latest advances with the vendors and developers of Smalltalk implementations. Smalltalk Reflections is a great resource for Smalltalk developers to learn more about their field and for other developers interested in learning Smalltalk. Come join them on a journey into one of the most influential pr
08/12/2020 04:53:56
David Buck and Craig Latta
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