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Spreading Happiness is a compilation of elegant teachings on conscious living. A blend of inspiration, timeless wisdom, story telling and guided meditations. These teachings are presented by Nithya Shanti, an internationally respected spiritual teacher. He was formerly a Buddhist monk who trained in forest meditation monasteries in South East Asia. He is committed to sharing practical wisdom teachings for happiness and enlightenment with people in a joyful and transformational way. Blending a deep study of ancient scriptures, along with a broad survey of contemporary discoveries, Nithya Shanti specializes in facilitating profound shifts in awareness for people to release limitations and awaken latent potentials for a fulfilling life. The “Spreading Happiness” Podcast is an opportunity to benefit from the best of Nithya Shanti’s teachings from sessions around the world.
08/13/2020 16:35:16
Nithya Shanti
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