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When a child needs an operation or has a condition that requires surgery, the experience can be scary for parents and a child. Having an experienced team of doctors who are experts in pediatric surgery and can inform parents about surgical conditions and treatment can help calm everyone's fears. SURGUCATION was created to do that. Bi-weekly podcasts feature world experts in various pediatric surgical sub-specialties from Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC, to inform, inspire, heal, and connect."Every parent needs a clear and concise education. They need our help and guidance to better understand their child's condition, to establish realistic goals, and to be able to navigate through the healthcare experience with the best assurance possible." MPhttps://youtube.com/channel/UCjQ-DiV0pCC8Ny8koKYodZQ
12/11/2020 05:30:09
Mikael Petrosyan MD, MBA
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