just now
The Attracting Lasting Love Podcast is hosted by Roy Biancalana, a certified relationship coach, three-time #1 best-selling author and nationally-recognized expert in the field of attraction and conscious relationships. His podcast is devoted to supporting single people in their desire to attract a healthy, sustainable, intimate relationship. The perspective shared is a mindful or conscious perspective on life, love and the pursuit of intimacy.Roy does not focus much on telling single people where to go, how to approach or what to say to a potential partner. Rather, he focuses on helping people identify and let go of the barriers, blockages and self-sabotaging patterns that keep them single. Roy's work and this podcast are in alignment with the advice given from the famous 13th century mystic poet, Rumi, who said, "Your task is not to seek love, but instead to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
05/04/2021 12:46:34
Roy Biancalana
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