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The Universe Has Your Business


There's a lot of conflicting advice out there that can make a well-intending entrepreneur feel like they're pulled in a lot of directions when it comes to how to align with the success and growth you desire. Loads of coaches say that the secret to your next break through is to push harder, overcome more, build smarter funnels, get better leads, hire more help, and to take faster, bolder, bigger, more intense action. But if you're an entrepreneur who follows a spiritual practice, you're likely also being told that you should be more like a flowing river, to let go and let God, to trust that the Universe has your back, to allow Law of Attraction to do the heavy lifting.How do these age-old pearls of wisdom blend with the ever-evolving landscape of digital entrepreneurship, especially when a lot of people achieving the results you want (like money, influence, and freedom) are preaching things contrary to spiritual wisdom traditions? I'm Andrew Donovan, and I want to share with you my




Release Date:

05/10/2021 00:41:53


Andrew Donovan



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