just now
This is the UnderratedMindz. The illest, trillest, and chilliest podcast in the nation. The unknown factors of life should be shed onto the people for enlightenment, laughter, inspiration, and information. So, it is our duty to turn your life upside down, inside/out and outside/in with some Flava in ya ear along the way. This is not only a podcast but a sub-culture, a new wave to create opportunities on an Underrated Stage.Contact us at [email protected] and check out our twitter at twitter.com/URMindz | Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NLKMY-lDBUhH0FksIiBsg/videos
04/29/2021 07:21:28
The illest, trillest, and chilliest podcast in the nation.
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