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Unpacking Mormonism


Unpacking is in the title of the show and it applies to all of us; being self-aware requires us to be critical of unhelpful patterns, but we also have to give credit and forgive ourselves as well. Understanding why you did what you did, is extraordinarily helpful.Sarah an ex-Mo and licensed counselor on a journey to unpack Mormonism and other religious trauma is joined by her husband Mason, a former bishop and active member of the Mormon church. Sarah and Mason have been married for 23 years and have 7 children together. Sarah is an author, podcast personality and counsels in her private practice. Mason is a retired Army officer and registered nurse anesthetist.We hope our show will demonstrate how to communicate with respect on difficult topics that we don't always agree about; but still take time to have a chuckle about our personal foibles and peeves. This is of supreme importance as we learn about ourselves. Using the lessons in our podcasts, you will learn how to become yo




Release Date:

08/22/2022 21:32:23


Sarah Westbrook



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