just now
UNSTOPPABLE YOU! needs to be heard because everyone has the potential and capability to be all that they can be in this lifetime. Every show will investigate how Empowerment, Resilience and Passion can bring about transformational shifts in perception and capability to bring about the business success of your dreams. What you want wants you!I have noticed a pattern in my life: when I step out and make a move that Empowers me, and I create Resilience around the challenges present, I have always become Passionate about my life and what I am creating.I believe that if everyone embraced their life as a gift and a journey of empowerment, resilience and passion, the world would be an entirely different place for all of us. UNSTOPPABLE YOU! with Christine Patton. Join me to discover lasting strategies in empowerment, resilience, and passion, to conquer the game of business.
04/26/2021 15:53:02
Christine Patton
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