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Zoe & Friends sexy, savvy, spiritual...Zoe and Friends deals with Sexual topics, Wellness, Personal development, Business Success and Universal Spirituality... Zoe, the president and founder of Katapult Enterprises also known as "The Confidential Coach" looks forward to not only entertaining you but giving you the tools to make positive changes in your life. Never afraid to speak her mind, Zoe keeps her infamous guests on their toes. With a history of working with Multi-platinum artists, Self-Help motivational icons and Spiritual gurus, the show will always cause you to be on the edge of your seat. The show originally started when Zoe and her long-time friend Jonathan Hay wanted to play around on the radio and talk about controversial issues back in 2007. Zoe and Friends was then targeted more towards teens and allowed them to call in with questions about sex, drugs and many other topics. After a while, Zoe was compared in the media to
07/01/2021 01:32:40
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