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15. Lake Gatun

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Lake Gatun (Verseful 15) -Shyanne Figueroa Bennett Glimmering membrane of water split when she enters. Sinks to clay floor. Sand. Shell. sedimenting to form a woman   dark as lake floor. Dark as they created. In debris of dynamic heads. Silver men glisten unsewn and woven into her being broken, hollowed to carry remnants of souls strewn in man-made waters. What can be made from nothing? The question hooks to her neck. Her curl hair gills for breath. Iridescent scales shed from slender sinewy form as her intricate jawbones mechanize for an open -- unprecedented speech for she who was carved out of isthmus intended for silence.


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    15. Lake Gatun

    Release Date: 02/21/2022

    Description: Lake Gatun (Verseful 15) -Shyanne Figueroa Bennett Glimmering membrane of water split when she enters. Sinks to clay floor. Sand. Shell. sedimenting to form a woman   dark as lake floor. Dark as they created. In debris of dynamic heads. Silver men glisten unsewn and woven into her being broken, hollowed to carry remnants of souls strewn in man-made waters. What can be made from nothing? The question hooks to her neck. Her curl hair gills for breath. Iridescent scales shed from slender sinewy form as her intricate jawbones mechanize for an open -- unprecedented speech for she who was carved out of isthmus intended for silence.

    Explicit: No

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