Behind the scenes of Helen's first music lesson
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4 Differences of Kodály Music Lessons and Piano Lessons
Release Date: 06/09/2022
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Release Date: 06/23/2022
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Behind the scenes of Helen's first music lesson
Release Date: 12/09/2021
Description: It's Episode 11 and I'm going to give you a sneaky peek behind the scenes of the first lesson with my youngest beginners.Hello there and welcome to the Doremi Teach podcast. If you’re interested in teaching musical skills and literacy through singing then this is the place for you. My name is Helen Russell from Doremi Connect and I’m going to help you achieve your goals using the Kodály approach.I'll admit, I'm a bit nosy. And I bet you are too! That's why this episode I'm going to share the audio from the video walkthrough of the very first lesson in Doremi Teach: Music.Over the last ten episodes I've shared songs and rhymes to use at this level, but this is a full walkthrough showing how to bring all of those together into a coherent lesson.It's a demonstration, interspersed with tips and explanations.My Doremi Teach members get access to the video version, which is helpful when the songs have actions. They also get the downloadable lesson plans and resources.So let's get started on our first module, exploring voice types.Main Objective: to experience different voice typesPlus we’ll be introducing most of the songs we’ll be using this term.Hello EveryoneBalloonsWe Are Dancing in the ForestEngine EngineZoom Zoom ZoomChop Chop Choppity ChopJelly on a PlateOver in the MeadowMake sure you let us know what you think of the episode and do share it with your colleagues if you’ve found it helpfulFor more free resources and webinars on teaching music through singing make sure you visit and sign up to our daily emails.I hope you have a lovely week, filled with music and singing.You’ve been listening to the Doremi Teach podcast with Helen Russell from Doremi Connect. Helping you achieve your music teaching goals with the Kodály approach.Mentioned in this episode:nullnull
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Queen Queen Caroline
Release Date: 01/20/2022
Description: Welcome to Episode 17 of the Doremi Teach podcast. Today I'm going to teach you a fun rhyme that develops a sense of pulse or steady beat.Queen Queen CarolineQueen Queen CarolineWashed her hair in turpentineTurpentine made it shineQueen Queen CarolineHello there and welcome to the Doremi Teach podcast. If you’re interested in teaching musical skills and literacy through singing then this is the place for you. My name is Helen Russell from Doremi Connect and I’m going to help you achieve your goals using the Kodály approach.Benefits of Queen Queen CarolineDevelops pulse or steady beat kinaestheticallyIt’s use of the speaking voice also makes it very attractive for teachers who aren’t yet confident using their own singing voices in the classroomThe actions change each phrase to help prepare our students for phrase analysisThe rhythm is really simple, just using ta and titi. It’s not the best choice for presenting rhythm because the longer words are spread across two beats but it’s great for practising.They learn a new word turpentine but make sure they know NOT to put it in their hair!The GameUse a different pulse or beat action for each phrase“Queen Queen Caroline” – mime putting on a crown four times“Washed her hair in turpentine” – mime shampooing your hair“Turpentine made it shine” – stroke your hair four times“Queen Queen Caroline” – mime putting a crown on four timesMake sure you let us know what you think of the episode and do share it with your colleagues if you’ve found it helpfulFor more free resources and webinars on teaching music through singing make sure you visit and sign up to our daily emails.I hope you have a lovely week, filled with music and singing.You’ve been listening to the Doremi Teach podcast with Helen Russell from Doremi Connect. Helping you achieve your music teaching goals with the Kodály approach.Mentioned in this episode:nullnull
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