Damion Le Vais 3-13-16 "King Uncle Dame Time"
Comedian Damion Le Vais AKA "King Uncle Dametime"…
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Comedian Damion Le Vais AKA "King Uncle Dametime" AKA "The Denzel of Palmdale" visits the MorganFreelance Show and gives us a sneak peek listen of his new comedy album "Big Brock Deeks" available on iTunes now!!! Follow him on Instagram @KINGUNCLEDAMETIME and Twitter @ItsDameTime. In this episode we discuss his theory for the OJ Simpson murder case, The Katt Williams/Kevin Hart feud, Chris Rock's Oscar Monologue, Eddie Murphy's influence, Patrice O'neal, Astrology, The UFC, Race Relations in America. and the 2016 Presidential Race
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MorganFreeLance PodKast
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