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Smoky Boogers仝人祝大家新年快樂!心想事成!虎虎生威!今集同大家回顧下我地精彩嘅2021年,同時分享我地對2022年有咩憧憬同新目標!_______________________________________________閒聊二人組的週間閒聊節目,與你聊遍瑣碎事Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Soundcloud: Smoky BoogersInstagram: smokyboogers E-mail: [email protected]
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Smoky Boogers
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Release Date: 02/04/2022
Description: Smoky Boogers仝人祝大家新年快樂!心想事成!虎虎生威!今集同大家回顧下我地精彩嘅2021年,同時分享我地對2022年有咩憧憬同新目標!_______________________________________________閒聊二人組的週間閒聊節目,與你聊遍瑣碎事Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Soundcloud: Smoky BoogersInstagram: smokyboogers E-mail: [email protected]
Explicit: Yes
Release Date: 02/11/2022
Description: 知道大家已經兩年無得去旅行,所以今日Smoky Boogers用聲音導航帶大家環遊歐洲!係英國最正嘅行程係喺草地攤一日?柏林最值得去嘅行程唔係柏林圍牆?係羅馬差啲比人劏咗一百歐羅?獨遊歐洲有咩注意事項?如果有得飛,Smoky Boogers又會第一時間想去邊?歡迎大家同我地分享你嘅心水目的地,期待疫情過後我地可以重新周遊列國,遨遊天際!___________________________________________閒聊二人組的週間閒聊節目,與你聊遍瑣碎事Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Soundcloud: Smoky Boogers Instagram: smokyboogers E-mail: [email protected]
Explicit: Yes
Release Date: 07/14/2023
Description: 「聽到嗎 聲再沙 亦無礙我放聲吧; 演唱會 等於演唱現場不必多廢話」唔知大家鍾唔鍾意睇演唱會呢?自己鍾意嘅歌手係疫情後有無嚟香港?今集Smoky Boogers同大家傾下我地睇演唱會嘅經歷:Booger睇過郭富城演唱會?Smoky終於可以同另一半睇到夢寐以求嘅band concert?有興趣記得收聽今集同分享比朋友!!!p.s. 大家可以見到n年前Booger嘅樣 係非常scary_________________________________閒聊二人組的週間閒聊節目,與你聊遍瑣碎事Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube: Smoky BoogersInstagram: @smokyboogersLinktree: https://linktr.ee/smokyboogers E-mail: [email protected]
Explicit: Yes
Release Date: 01/12/2024
Description: 本集靈感來源:@螺絲在擰緊執屋,煮飯,吸塵,屋企裝修時pack箱,睇家居YouTube channel,甚至同朋友一齊洗碗...今集Smoky Boogers同你地一齊探索屬於我地同埋聽眾朋友嘅快樂清單!聽完呢集,不如一齊努力收集呢啲快樂碎片,慢慢將生活填滿啦!嘻嘻嘻!(p.s. Booger真係講到流淚……所以今集必聽!!!)_________________________________閒聊二人組的週間閒聊節目,與你聊遍瑣碎事Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube: Smoky BoogersInstagram: @smokyboogersLinktree: https://linktr.ee/smokyboogers E-mail: [email protected]
Explicit: Yes
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Booking The Territory Pro Wrestling Podcast
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Explicit: Yes