Mike's Minute - Wednesday, February 17, 2021
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Did you ever send your child to time out? I recall times when we told one of our children to go to their room or over to the corner of the family room and sit in time out. Time out was a way of pulling them out of the misbehavior they were presently exhibiting and giving them a few moments to think about their actions.Have you ever wished you could send adults to time out?Have there been occasions when you know you probably should find a chair and go sit in time out yourself?This Wednesday, F...
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Mike's Minute
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Mike's Minute - Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Release Date: 02/24/2021
Description: Do you like your name?Most of us did not get to choose our name. It was given to us by our parents. Some of us have shifted from the formal name we were given at birth to a shorter version or to a nickname that we picked up in childhood or teenage years.I only ever heard my full first and middle name, Michael James, when I was being scolded by my mom. Other than my mom, my wife is about the only other person who calls me Michael anymore.As usually happens with the name Michael, Mike became the shorter version used by friends. For some people, their friends gave them a name that stuck, yet in no way resembled their given name. For example, I have friends who go by nicknames such as “Scooter,” “Red,” and “Peewee.” With my first granddaughter being born this past December, I’ve taken the name “Sparky” to be called by her and future grandchildren.
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Mike's Minute - Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Release Date: 02/17/2021
Description: Did you ever send your child to time out? I recall times when we told one of our children to go to their room or over to the corner of the family room and sit in time out. Time out was a way of pulling them out of the misbehavior they were presently exhibiting and giving them a few moments to think about their actions.Have you ever wished you could send adults to time out?Have there been occasions when you know you probably should find a chair and go sit in time out yourself?This Wednesday, February 17, is Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar. I like to look at Ash Wednesday and Lent as an opportunity for a self-imposed time out. I didn’t grow up observing this tradition, but over the years, this season before Easter celebration has become a meaningful time.
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Mike's Minute - Friday, February 12, 2021
Release Date: 02/12/2021
Description: Valentine’s Day is drawing near. Do you remember giving Valentine cards in elementary school? Rather than giving one card to your chosen valentine, you were tasked with giving a Valentine card to every person in your class. And to hold all those cards, we were all assigned to make a Valentine box. With an old shoe box provided by mom or dad, we taped the lid on, and then covered it with red or pink construction paper and heart shaped paper doilies. The more artistic classmates showed off their creativity by adding colorful paper flowers and bow-tied ribbons. For me, most of my “creative time” was spent wiping the Elmer’s glue off the table and attempting to peel it from my fingers. The most important feature of the box, however, was the cut slit in the center of the box providing an opening to receive all the cards. At home, we wrote the classmate’s name on the small white envelope and stuffed it with a few heart shaped conversation candies along with the card. The candies were imprinted with an innocent saying such as “Be Mine,” “Kiss Me,” or “I Love You.” The three to four inch colorful cards had artistic images with silly sayings to match the image. Do you remember any of these cards?
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Mike's Minute - Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Release Date: 01/27/2021
Description: Do you wake up some mornings feeling like the Tin Man? Your alarm clock tells you it’s time to hop out of the bed and start your day, but your body doesn’t want to move. The older I get, the more experiences I have where my body is not as eager to go as my mind. My back and legs cry out for a shot of oil to loosen the muscles and ease the joints. Fortunately, a morning routine of stretching and exercising helps me get on with my day.While most of the time we associate stiffness to our bodies, this same descriptor can highlight how we are emotionally or spiritually. We’ve all known people that come across as rigid or inflexible. We usually say these people are “set in their ways.” They are unwilling to hear new ideas or try new experiences. Similarly, the Bible speaks of people having a hardened heart or a stiff neck. These people are noted for being so obstinate that they are not open to God working in their lives. I decided this morning that if I’m determined to physically stretch and exercise to help my body be more flexible, I should also consider stretching my heart and mind each day to be receptive to God. Here’s a few spiritual exercises that may help us live with more zest throughout the day.
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