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My Journey to Autism Diagnosis - Nathan Chung

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    My Journey to Autism Diagnosis - Nathan Chung

    Release Date: 07/06/2021

    Description: Kicking off the first episode of the second season of the NeuroSec podcast.

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    Thinking Differently

    Release Date: 03/21/2023

    Authors: [email protected] (Dr. Kenneth Poole, Optum, Callie Chamberlain, KC Davis, Amy Root)

    Description: EPISODE SUMMARY: There is no 'normal' when it comes to the human brain. We all experience the world uniquely and learn, think and communicate in different ways. However, there’s a generally accepted range of what’s considered ‘typical,’ and brain activity outside of that range is considered ‘neurodivergent.’ This includes people with conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, OCD, and Tourette's.It’s estimated that up to 20% of the U.S. population identifies as neurodivergent.* While this may bring challenges in social, work or school settings, differences can be real strengths. We talk with KC Davis, licensed professional counselor, author of the book How To Keep House While Drowning and host of the podcast Struggle Care as well as Amy Root, Director of Neurodiversity Inclusion at UnitedHealth Group, about their personal journeys as well as what needs to be done to better support thinking differently. HIGHLIGHTS:[08:16] Amy Root and KC Davis discuss why there’s increased conversations about neurodivergence, including recent research, advocacy and activism.[14:53] Amy and KC talk about how women and girls are often overlooked when diagnosing neurodivergent conditions and share their personal journeys to diagnoses.RESOURCES:How to Keep House While DrowningHow to do laundry when you're depressed | TED TalkWhat is Struggle Care? — KC DavisNeurodiversity in Cybersecurity – Amy Root - NeuroSec (captivate.fm)GUESTS: Amy Root, Director of Neurodiversity Inclusion at UnitedHealth GroupKC Davis, licensed professional counselor, author of How to Keep House While Drowning and creator of mental health platform and podcast Struggle Care.The views, opinions, endorsements and content expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of Optum.Visit optum.com for more information about how Optum is helping to create a healthier world. 

    Explicit: No

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