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What's the Avoda of Anti-Semitism?

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TYH Nation Presents Tachlis, What's My Avoda? with HaRav Yussie Zakutinsky Shlita  & Yakov  Wohlgelernter  Episode 3: What's the Avoda of Anti-Semitism? Anti-semitism is something we live with as Jews. We are blessed to live in a period of history where most of the time we experience it differently than previous generations. But every once in a while it rears it’s ugly head and we get a taste of the bitterness of galus. Recently very famous people have expressed views that are hurtful and painful to hear and in this episode we explore with Reb Yussie how we are meant to react and think about this timeless topic.  Exciting announcement! You can now submit questions or topics that you would like to be featured on a future episode of Tachlis, What’s My Avoda?  Email [email protected] with your ideas.  ----------  HaRav Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky Shlita is the Rav of Khal Mevakshei Hashem, in Lawrence NY and a major Mashpia on the lives of all who know him and learn from him. He always encourages his talmidim to recognize the deeper and hidden element of life.  He teaches that all of our experiences are lessons in Avodas Hashem, and that even in the regular everyday moments, we have to constantly be asking what’s my avoda?  What does HASHEM require from me?  Listen in as Yakov Wohlgelernter and Reb Yussie explore various areas of life through this perspective.  Each episode will examine different aspects of everyday life and help us uncover the meaning and beauty within them.  Lisen on Apple Podcast - https://l.tyhnation.com/3BBSZitListen on Spotify - https://l.tyhnation.com/3oTkL29 Farbrengable Studios #thankyouhashem #tyhnation


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Tachlis, What's My Avoda?

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